Saturday, May 20, 2023

🚩There's a reason I haven't posted for a while. Mid April I woke up w/an abstract painting floating in one of my eyes. This sent me to the optometrist, who told me I had a floater which sent me to an ophthalmologist who concurred & felt it should be monitored. Seems these things usually resolve themselves in 6 months, but...the cause of this condition: Too many birthdays. I'm really not doing this aging thing well.
Five weeks later, I returned to the ophthalmologist, who gave my retina a good look over & then scheduled me for retina detachment surgery ASAP. (I'm not going to say emergency surgery.) Idea was to save as much of the sight in my eye as possible.
On the mend now. Vision in my eye is kind of like looking through a fish bowl with cloudy water, but I'm assured in a month things will return to my new normal & I'll be able to write again. (Can't type properly, so I have to see the keyboard.) That's my tale of aging woes which ironically leads into my latest novel (written over the past year) about a couple of firemen dealing w/aging:
My latest “just for fun” book is now available on Lulu⤵️
etcetera in time for the summer reading season.
“Staying Relevant” is about retired firefighters. I wrote it to illustrate that life goes on after you leave the NFD, but the job never really leaves you. The camaraderie & the shared experiences reside inside. Friendships formed last a lifetime. The fire department family remains to give support when things get rough.
I also try to highlight the universality of the fire service experience. All is seen through the eyes of a retired Newark firefighter who is struggling to make sense of a changing world. How do you deal w/the hoped for gains of life after 60, as well as, the inevitable loses of this last stage of life.
Being relevant in the world is never an issue for a firefighter on the job.
How do you stay relevant after you retire?
Get 15% off printed books on Lulu through 6/16.
Just type in code
when you check out.
Lulu is the only site that gives discounts occasionally. My wife will try to help post any discount offers. She'll pin this post & put a flag🚩on top of it indicating 10% discounts & a flag w/siren🚩🚨for 15% off. 20% is a Black Friday thing.
May be a graphic of 1 person and text

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